Time Savings

Common usage scenarios and time savings

NoteMan typically saves a full-time Notes/Domino developer or Administrator approximately 3 hours per week. NoteMan saves a support person approximately 5 hours per week.


Change any field to any value across the entire database

During development, end users want to change a field type definition from number to text. Some old data exists on certain documents, and needs to be updated manually. Rather than write, execute, and remove an agent, the developer can simply launch NoteMan.MultiEditor. This can be done against any user-selection in any view, or against all documents in the db, or a specified selection formula. Then the developer picks the field she wants to change and selects the new type and/or value (literal or formula). NoteMan does not require that the developer has Designer or agent privileges.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (6 clicks)

Without: 60 Seconds (write, test, execute, and remove an agent)

Change any field to any value on a single document, bypassing UI and validation rules

In a workflow application, a document is assigned to someone who is on vacation. With the document selected, an application analyst can click NoteMan.Editor, choose the "AssignedTo" field, and pick a new name from the Address Book. NoteMan allows the analyst to bypass keyword formulas, controlled access sections, computed fields, and input validation formulas. This also does not require Designer or agent privileges.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (5 clicks)

Without: 60 Seconds (write, test, execute, and remove an agent)

From what Domino document is this web page?

A web developer is diagnosing a problematic document in a web application. Instead of browsing the views for the document, and possibly having to test a change to further confirm the document, she can paste the URL into NoteMan.Editor and click Get Note. This will load the document into NoteMan, from where she can edit any field values or even launch the document in its own form.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (6 clicks)

Without: 30 seconds (manually browse for the document)

Why doesn't this doc show up in this view?

A developer can't figure out why a document won't show up in a view. Launch NoteMan.Editor on the doc, click the "Test a formula" button, and paste the view selection formula into the dialog window. Adjust the formula and/or document values until the result changes to a 1 (true).

NoteMan: 20 Seconds (8 clicks, plus paste the formula)

Without: 60 Seconds (open the view in Designer, modify the formula, look for the document in Notes Client version of the view, repeat until document shows up)

What design elements are the biggest?

A design is large, and the developer wants to know which elements are taking up the most space. Launch NoteMan.Design tool and sort the view by size.

NoteMan: 10 Seconds (3 clicks)

Without: 360+ Seconds (In Designer, click on each design element and inspect the Design Document properties box to find large ones. No sorting available)

Change the numbered labels on several sequential views

In R6.x, a developer wants to insert a view among a numbered list of views. All numbers after the insertion must be increased by one. Rather than open each view individually, launch the NoteMan.Design tool and click on the design element names. Element names and aliases are editable right in the NoteMan.Design view for more convienent organizing of the element names.

NoteMan: 10 Seconds (4 clicks, type new names of views)

Without: 60+ Seconds (for each view open in Designer, change the view name, save and close)

Directly edit or delete profile documents

A developer wants to be able to find, edit, and delete profile documents used for configuration data in an application. Profile documents do not show up in views, so code must be employed in the application to manage the maintenance of the Profile documents. Or, NoteMan.Editor gives the developer one-click access to a virtual view of all profile documents in any database. It also allows access to any Profile document by name and user, sorting them last modified date, as well as deleting and modifying profile documents ad-hoc or in batch.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (4 clicks)

Without: 120 Seconds (create a script to get the doc and delete or edit it, delete the script when done)

Find a disappearing document

A developer executes some code which unintentionally causes a document to disappear from all main views. There is no all documents view sorted by date modified. To find the most recently touched documents, the developer can use the NoteMan.Editor "Note Collection" feature to grab all documents that meet any time or formula criteria without creating a view.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (6 clicks)

Without: 120 Seconds (create a view to sort all docs by last modified date, build index to the view, delete the view when done)

Get a design element UNID

A developer wants to use the UNID of a design element in an URL. He selects the design element, clicks NoteMan.Editor toolbar icon, and copies the UNID or NoteID to the clipboard.

NoteMan: 2 Seconds (2 clicks)

Without: 10 Seconds (preview the design element in browser, copy UNID)

Repair a field name on a doc

A developer changes a field name definition on a form, and also wants to change the field name of a corresponding NotesItem in an existing document. He can launch NoteMan.Editor on the document, select the item name, and change the item name (as well as the value, datatype, summary flag, etc.).

NoteMan: 10 Seconds (5 clicks)

Without: 60 Seconds (write, test, execute, and remove a coded agent; agent access required)

Copy thousands of documents to another database

A developer or analyst needs to copy 15,000 documents to another database. The Notes Client limit of 2350 documents would take several passes using Edit->Paste. Instead, he uses NoteMan.Editor to get a collection of all documents (or all that meet a certain criteria), then chooses the Note Collection action "Copy to Database..." to copy all the documents in one action.

NoteMan: 10 Seconds (9 clicks)

Without: 60+ Seconds (copy and paste each batch of 2300 documents, being careful not to miss any or copy any twice)

Administrator & Help Desk

What are the differences between these two documents?

Mail sent out the internet is working differently between two servers. In just a few clicks, NoteMan.DocDelta compares 500+ field values on the two respective Server documents in the Directory to reveal which fields are set differently between the two.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (4 clicks)

Without: 600 seconds (compare all values on every tab of each document)

Switch a conflict winner and loser, retaining response docs

A replication conflict needs to be restored, but the response docs are associated with the current winner. In a few clicks, NoteMan.DocDelta lets the analyst switch the loser and winner, while still retaining all response documents. Additionally, the analyst can also merge values from any number of conflict documents into the winning document, field by field, simply by clicking on each field and opting to merge the value.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (4 clicks)

Without: 15 - 60 seconds (Cut response docs to clipboard, edit and save the loser response doc, paste response docs to new winner). Several minutes would be required for field-level merging.

What doc is that NoteID?

A developer or administrator is looking through log.nsf and sees references to a scheduled agent encountering an error on a specific document NoteID. She can open NoteMan.Editor on the target db, paste the NoteID, and click the "Get Note" button to see and edit all fields on the offending doc, and/or open it with its native form. The Domino Admin Client would let her see field values by UNID/NoteID, but not edit values or open in the native form.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (5 clicks)

Without: 120 Seconds (create a view to select the doc, build the view index, open the doc, delete the view)

What fields were last changed on a document?

A developer supporting a workflow application issue wants to see what values on a doc were most recently changed. He launches NoteMan.Editor on the doc and clicks the "Modified" column header in the field details table. This sorts all values on the doc by when each value was last modified. Clicking the "Item Name [Data values...]" column name in the item list box shows fields in the order they were added to the document. Notes/Designer/Admin Clients do NOT offer any built-in way to see this information.

NoteMan: 5 Seconds (2 clicks)

Without: 120 Seconds (create an agent to inspect all fields' item.modified properties and write modified times to the log.nsf, delete the agent)

Who has Reader/Editor access to this doc?

A help desk administrator responds to a document access issue for a user. The administrator selects the doc, then clicks the NoteMan.Editor tool to see all actual reader and author values, confirming what groups the user needs to be in to see the doc. Optionally, she can add the user explicitly or via group to any field.

NoteMan: 2 Seconds (1 click)

Without: 60+ Seconds (click on each field name under Document Properties to see which ones have READERS or AUTHORS flags set)

Apply standard ACL entries to a db

A developer needs to add company standard ACL entries to database before handing off for testing or rollout. Or an administrator wants to store commonly used ACL's and portions of ACL's. ACL's can be stored in DXL formatted files for use by other utilities, or by the NoteMan.ACL tool itself for later importing into other databases. Various merge rules allow for overwriting, appending, upgrading, and downgrading, for appropriate handling of conflicts when ACL's are imported to existing databases.

NoteMan: 10 Seconds (6 clicks, select ACL file)

Without: 60 Seconds (open the ACL, paste or type each entry separately and enable/disable various access properties for the entry)

What is the difference between these ACL's?

A developer or administrator wants to find why security on two copies of a Domino app/site design are working differently. Access control lists are suspected to be different, but what are the differences? Comparing ACLs in Notes is laborious because ACLs only open in a modal dialog box, of which you can only have one open at a time. NoteMan.ACL lets you pick any two databases to redline the differences between all ACL settings. This information can be copied, saved, or emailed to a colleague.

NoteMan: 10 Seconds (5 clicks)

Without: 120 Seconds (open a design synopsis of each ACL in separate windows, place them side by side, perform a manual inspection delta analysis item by item)