NoteMan is a SmartIcon based tool suite for technical tasks that are manually tedious in Lotus Notes. It includes over a dozen integrated utilities for everyday development, testing, data management, and ACL administration that would otherwise require significant and costly manual steps.
WirelessMail for Domino is the easiest and most affordable way to receive and reply to your Lotus Notes email from any mobile device or external email account. WirelessMail is a powerful and configurable mail forwarding agent that relays the emails you want, when you want, to your mobile device or home email system.

How do you prepare for an upgrade or consolidation without being able to see into your clients? panagenda's MarvelClient is the solution to audit and control user workstations.
Fed up with resetting passwords? Bored with setting up users for your HR department? HADSL FirM has been giving control to Domino Administrators for nearly 10 years.

ExtraComm ExtraFax lets you use your email to it's fullest potential, without the hassle of fax machines.

Securely records Sametime chats in a Domino database. Configurable recording trigger settings - by date range or user name(s). Full text searching, robust security settings, and automatic email options for transcripts.