Attribute VB_Name = "mdlArray" ' /********************************************************* ' | Name: mdlArray.bas ' | Description: ' | -> Package of all array-related procedures I created over the years. ' | -> Includes many sort algorithms. ' | -> ' | -> This code is intellectual property of Philippe Lord. ' | -> ' | -> You may use/modify this file as much as you want, as long as this ' | -> file commented header remains, and more important, ' | -> that it does not get modified in any possible way. ' | -> ' | -> You may find updates of this code at http://Philippe.Lord.MD ' | -> This code was parsed with Marton's VB Code Formatter v4. ' | -> That program is a freeware I wrote, available at the above site. ' | -> ' | -> If you are hiring personnel, feel free to contact me :) ' | ' | Created: 13 august 2001 ' | Author(s) info: ' | By: Philippe Lord // Marton ' | Email: ' | ICQ: 12181387 ' | Environment: ' | -> Created in 1280x1024 ' | -> Arial Narrow 8 ' | -> TAB = 3 ' | -> WinXP 2428 ' \********************************************************* 'Notes: ' -> Binary searchs works only on sorted arrays. ' -> A hash algorithm can only be applied to a string, explaining the absence of HashSearch on other types than strings. ' -> HashSearch does not requires anything to be sorted. ' -> If you add or remove a string from the string array on a hash algorithm, you must ABSOLUTELY rebuild TOTALLY the hash table. ' -> All indexed search & HashSearch will recreate the index if not supplied (supplied empty). ' -> Indexed sorts will only sort the index array, thus making the algorithm faster. ' BUT be warned that it is slower on a long array. ' -> An hash array is bigger than the original array (about 4 times). ' -> All sort algorithms includes support for ascending/descending order. ' However, all functions other than sorting does NOT support descending order. ' -> Standard QuickSort algorithms are generally fast, but there exists an exception... ' When the array is *nearly* sorted, QuickSort can be slow (up to 2 times slower). ' However, the included TriQuickSort algorithm does not suffer from this case, because it combines ' two sort algorithms, and because it uses 3 medians. 'Efficiency recommendations: ' (We assume the hash algorithm is based on the full string, not only parts of it.) ' -> The longer the strings are, the better will a binary search be. ' -> The bigger the string array, the faster a hash search will be. (comment above has priority over this one) ' -> If you have under 50 items to sort, use ShellSort. ' -> If you have over 50 items to sort, use TriQuickSort. 'Functions contained within this .bas file: ' // Add ' AddToAnyArray ' Adds the data at the nth position. ' AddToLongArray ' Adds the long at the nth position. ' AddToStringArray ' Adds the string at the nth position. ' AddToSortedAnyArray ' Adds the data in a sorted array, keeping the array sorted. ' AddToSortedLongArray ' Adds the long in a sorted long array, keeping the array sorted. ' AddToSortedStringArray ' Adds the string in a sorted string array, keeping the array sorted. ' AddToIndexedAnyArray ' Adds the data at the end of the array, keeping the index array sorted. ' AddToIndexedLongArray ' Adds the long at the end of the long array, keeping the index array sorted. ' AddToIndexedStringArray ' Adds the string at the end of the string array, keeping the index array sorted. ' // Remove (if one item, array gets erased) ' RemoveFromAnyArray ' Removes the nth entry. ' RemoveFromLongArray ' Removes the nth long. ' RemoveFromStringArray ' Removes the nth string. ' RemoveFromIndexedAnyArray ' Removes the nth entry (either array or index), keeping the index array sorted. ' RemoveFromIndexedLongArray ' Removes the nth long (either array or index), keeping the index array sorted. ' RemoveFromIndexedStringArray ' Removes the nth string (either array or index), keeping the index array sorted. ' // Hash ' BuildHashTable ' Builds a hash array using sent string array. ' HashSearch ' Returns the position of the searched string on an unsorted string array, using an hash array. ' // Search (-1 = ERROR_NOT_FOUND) ' BinarySearchAny ' Returns the position of the searched data onto a sorted (ascending) array. ' BinarySearchLong ' Returns the position of the searched long onto a sorted (ascending) long array. ' BinarySearchString ' Returns the position of the searched string onto a sorted (ascending) string array. ' IndexedBinarySearchAny ' Returns the position of the searched data in an array using a sorted (ascending) index. ' IndexedBinarySearchLong (slow) ' Returns the position of the searched long in an array using a sorted (ascending) index. ' IndexedBinarySearchString ' Returns the position of the searched string in an array using a sorted (ascending) index. ' SequentialSearchAnyArray ' Returns the position of the searched data onto an array. ' SequentialSearchLongArray ' Returns the position of the searched long onto a long array. ' SequentialSearchStringArray ' Returns the position of the searched string onto a string array. ' isInAnyArray ' Determines if data is in array using a sequential search. ' isInLongArray ' Determines if long is in long array using a sequential search. ' isInStringArray ' Determines if string is in string array using a sequential search. ' // Sort ' // < 50 -> ShellSort ' Efficiency recommandation ' // >=50 -> TriQuickSort ' ShellSortAny ' Sorts the array. ' ShellSortLong ' Sorts the long array. ' ShellSortString ' Sorts the string array. ' TriQuickSortAny ' Sorts the array. // TriQuickSort stands for 3-median quicksort algorithm. ' TriQuickSortLong ' Sorts the long array. // The TriQuickSort algorithm combines with InsertionSort algorithm ' TriQuickSortString ' Sorts the string array. // when the distance gets below 5, which speeds things A LOT (over 40%). ' IndexedShellSortAny ' Sorts the index using sent array. ' IndexedShellSortLong (slow) ' Sorts the index using sent long array. ' IndexedShellSortString ' Sorts the index using sent string array. ' IndexedTriQuickSortAny ' Sorts the index using sent array. ' IndexedTriQuickSortLong (slow) ' Sorts the index using sent long array. ' IndexedTriQuickSortString ' Sorts the index using sent string array. ' isSortedAnyArray ' Determines if the array is sorted. ' isSortedLongArray ' Determines if the long array is sorted. ' isSortedStringArray ' Determines if the string array is sorted. ' isSortedIndexedAnyArray ' Determines if the index is sorted. ' isSortedIndexedLongArray ' Determines if the index is sorted. ' isSortedIndexedStringArray ' Determines if the index is sorted. ' // Synchronisation ' SynchroniseIndexedAnyArray ' Sorts the array using its index (to get an ascending index). ' SynchroniseIndexedLongArray ' Sorts the long array using its index (to get an ascending index). ' SynchroniseIndexedStringArray ' Sorts the string array using its index (to get an ascending index). ' // Copy/Move ' CopyAnyArray ' Copies an array. ' CopyLongArray ' Copies a long array. ' CopyStringArray ' Copies a string array. ' MoveAnyArray ' Moves an array. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase'). ' MoveLongArray ' Moves a long array. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase'). ' MoveStringArray ' Moves a string array. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase'). ' MergeAnyArray ' Merges (combine) 2 arrays. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase'). ' MergeLongArray ' Merges (combine) 2 long arrays. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase'). ' MergeStringArray ' Merges (combine) 2 string arrays. Source array will be erased (VB function 'Erase'). ' // Save/Load ' SaveLongArray ' Dumps a long array in a string. ' SaveStringArray ' Dumps a string array in a string. ' LoadLongArray ' Rebuilds a long array from a string dump. ' LoadStringArray ' Rebuilds a string array from a string dump. ' // Others ' CreateArray ' Returns an array of the type of the first sent argument. ' DebugDumpArray ' MsgBox an array. Use for debugging. ' ReverseAnyArray ' Reverses (inverts) an array. ' ReverseLongArray ' Reverses (inverts) a long array. ' ReverseStringArray ' Reverses (inverts) a string array. 'Editorial on the TriQuickSort algorithm - Why is TriQuickSort so fast ? ' Since the TriQuickSort algorithm is in no way a standard sort algorithm, I will try and explain it here. ' First, I must say that the main idea started from Sun Microsystems, in java source code form. I found ' Sun's source code after a search on the internet for the 'fastest' sort algorithm (considering a uniprocessor ' configuration and a nearly-sorted OR totally unsorted array). I compared the ones that performed the best, ' and soon enough stumbled upon this one (Sun's one). Generally speaking, it was a 3-median QuickSort, a little ' twinked, of course. The 3-median QuickSort has the advantage of not suffering standard 2-median QuickSort's ' problems conserning nearly-sorted arrays (side-note: ever tried sorting a nearly-sorted array using QuickSort? ' In case you didn't, let me tell you it gets REALLY slow, it can get MUCH slower than bubblesort in certain cases !). ' It performed very well, but there was a side-note suggesting using a second algorithm when the number of ' iterations came low (under 10). I though about it, and understood why they suggested that. First, for those ' who doesn't know how (generally speaking) a QuickSort works, I'll resume it shortly. ' ' QuickSort is a recursive algorithm (thus eating lots of RAM) which splits in 2 the array, ' moving the highest ones the right side, and the lower ones the left side, but without sorting either data ' on the left or right side, all it does is putting all the lowest on the left and the highest on the right. ' Then, to sort, it calls itself back (recursively) on the left side, and the right side. ' It continues like this until everything gets sorted. Now there's 2 major problems with this. ' One is memory usage, and the second is inefficacity (slow) when the borders are close ' (when 'low' in the recursive tree) (just keep in mind I'm not going into details). ' ' So now you should understand why I did another version of Sun's sort algorithm ;) I started up the algorithm ' by porting java source to VB, which led to some difficulties due to the fact that VB does not 'short-cuts' ' expressions evaluations, making it crash thru a pure porting. ' ' ex: While (i - 1 >= LBound(sArray)) And (sArray(i - 1) > sTemp) ' sArray(i - 1) CRASH !!! ' ' Ok, this was easily fixed, but should give you a small idea of what had to be done. After porting their ' 3-median QuickSort, I made it stop when the delta (difference) of the 2 bounds came under 10, like ' suggested by Sun Microsystems. Now, if you understood my explanation of the QuickSort algorithm, you ' should understand too that stopping the process at delta 10 means all you have to do after QuickSorting ' is to sort each sections of 10, without needing to do any compares with anything else other than the 10 ' entries you're processing. Imagine just that the cutted-QuickSort sorts generally, but you need to finish ' the work off by processing packets of 10 entries. ' ' But I must clarify one point. ' ' Stopping the recursion tree using a delta 10 does not means IN ANY WAY that you're goin to have sections ' exactly of 10 'well-placed' entries. In fact, if you think well about the problem, and if you understand ' well the QuickSort algorithm, it means that your sections can vary from your input delta (10) ' up to 2x delta -1 (19). If you don't understand the previous remark, either trace the QuickSort's code, or read back. ' ' So what does that means? Well, it means my previous statement (3 paragraphs above) we're not true if you consider ' 10 to be the only valid delta. Consider either a range from 10 to 19. Now read back 3 paragraphs above ;) ' ' So that was my first idea...sorting each sections individually. ' ' I searched for the fastest algorithm for processing small arrays, and had in mind to call it n times, where ' n equals the number of sections. You must keep in mind that to have a good sort algorithm working ' on 10-19 entries it means your algorithm have to be as simple as possible, because you cannot even afford ' to do simple mathematical operations. You just need something simple. And fast ;) ' ' I though of bubblesort first, but later I came up with a similar algorithm, which has the ' advantage of not being tied to work with a fixed number of entry (because for god's sake i would never let ' bubblesort the whole array down !). But, since it's roots are based on bubblesort's algorithm, ' for it to be effective you must keep the delta very low, under 10. That algorithm I'm talking about is ' called InsertionSort, which sadly was not designed by me. I found InsertionSort to be the perfect algorithm ' to continue the cutted-QuickSort's job. I'll copy-paste InsertionSort's algorithm below, it's pretty simple. ' But, like I said earlier, delta 10 (which gives us a 10-19 section's range) would be like saying: Hey, let's ' give out the main job to InsertionSort (which is normally slow, but in our case it gets VERY fast), which, ' BTW, is VERY stupid. You can guess I lowered down the QuickSort's delta. If you look at TriQuickSort's source ' code, you'll notice the parameter iSplit is the delta I'm talking about. I've put a default value of 4 for it, ' which gives a sections ranging from 4 to 7 in length, which gives very good results. I do not recommend you ' put a lower value to it, because QuickSort would eat up too much memory AND starts getting slow. If you put ' higher than 4, the reverse get a MUCH lower performance because InsertionSort starts bottlenecking ' a little too much. ' ' Private Sub InsertionSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) ' Dim i As Long ' Dim j As Long ' Dim vTemp As Variant ' ' For i = iMin + 1 To iMax ' vTemp = vArray(i) ' j = i ' ' Do While j > iMin ' If vArray(j - 1) <= vTemp Then Exit Do ' ' vArray(j) = vArray(j - 1) ' j = j - 1 ' Loop ' ' vArray(j) = vTemp ' Next i ' End Sub ' 'SYSTEM: '------- ' -> P3 650e overclocked to 845MHz ' -> 384M RAM PC 133 ' -> WinXP 2428 ' 'BENCHMARKS: '----------- ' '(All benchmarks are made on an array of 10 000 strings having a length of 100 characters ranging from A to Z) ' '(All results in seconds) ' ' 'Using Non-CopyMemory optimized sort algorythm '------------------------------------------------AVG-------%----- 'BubbleSort 125.8012 124.6600 125.4101 125.2904 -59421 'ShellSort 0.5310 0.5325 0.5106 0.5247 -149.3 'QuickSort 0.2404 0.2481 0.2425 0.2437 -15.77 'TriQuickSort 0.2107 0.2089 0.2120 0.2105 0.0000 ' 'Using CopyMemory optimized sort algorythm '------------------------------------------------AVG-------%----- 'BubbleSort 59.9765 59.3455 59.3642 59.5621 -43471 'ShellSort 0.3017 0.3121 0.2999 0.3046 -122.8 'QuickSort 0.1812 0.1788 0.1806 0.1802 -31.82 'TriQuickSort 0.1309 0.1383 0.1408 0.1367 0.0000 ' 'Using CopyMemory optimized sort algorythm on already sorted string array '------------------------------------------------AVG-------%------------- 'BubbleSort 24.1941 24.1231 24.1744 24.1639 -32731 'ShellSort 0.1215 0.1100 0.1188 0.1167 -58.56 'QuickSort 0.0892 0.1011 0.1000 0.0968 -31.15 'TriQuickSort 0.0796 0.0709 0.0702 0.0736 0.0000 ' 'Using CopyMemory optimized sort algorythm on nearly-sorted string array '------------------------------------------------AVG-------%------------ 'After sorting, we do this (below), then we benchmark the following sort. ' For i = 0 To n - 1 Step 3 ' SwapStrings sArray(i), sArray(i + 1) ' Next i ' 'BubbleSort 24.1350 24.1254 24.1764 24.1456 -27911 'ShellSort 0.1328 0.1218 0.1187 0.1244 -44.32 ' notice that ShellSort beats QuickSort here in some cases. 'QuickSort 0.1228 0.1194 0.1181 0.1201 -39.33 'TriQuickSort 0.0796 0.0795 0.0994 0.0862 0.0000 ' ' 'RESULTS: '-------- ' 'ALGORYTHM------% SLOWER-- '------------------------- 'BubbleSort -40884 'ShellSort -93.75 'QuickSort -29.52 'TriQuickSort 0.0000 Option Explicit ' CopyMemory, my best friend ;) Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef lpDest As Any, ByRef lpSource As Any, ByVal iLen As Long) Private Const ERROR_NOT_FOUND As Long = &H80000000 ' DO NOT CHANGE, for internal usage only ! Public Enum SortOrder SortAscending = 0 SortDescending = 1 End Enum Public Enum RemoveFrom RemoveArray = 0 RemoveIndex = 1 End Enum #Const mdlArray_Loaded = True ' DO NOT EDIT !!! #Const mdlMarton_Loadable = True ' ///////// ' // Add // ' ///////// Public Sub AddToAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal vToAdd As Variant, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim i As Long Dim iUBound As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iUBound = UBound(vArray) If iUBound = -1 Then vArray = Array(vToAdd): Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound + 1 ' +1 because we can add array past it's end If iPos < 0 Then iPos = 0 iUBound = iUBound + 1 ReDim Preserve vArray(iUBound) For i = iUBound To iPos + 1 Step -1 vArray(i) = vArray(i - 1) Next i vArray(iPos) = vToAdd End Sub Public Sub AddToLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iToAdd As Long, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim iUBound As Long iUBound = UBound(iArray) If iUBound = -1 Then ReDim iArray(0) iArray(0) = iToAdd Exit Sub End If ' if adding at the end If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then ReDim Preserve iArray(iUBound + 1) iArray(iUBound + 1) = iToAdd Exit Sub End If If iPos < 0 Then iPos = 0 iUBound = iUBound + 1 ReDim Preserve iArray(iUBound) CopyMemory iArray(iPos + 1), iArray(iPos), (iUBound - LBound(iArray) - iPos) * Len(iArray(iPos)) iArray(iPos) = iToAdd End Sub Public Sub AddToStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal sStringToAdd As String, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim iUBound As Long Dim iTemp As Long iUBound = UBound(sArray) If iUBound = -1 Then ReDim sArray(0) sArray(0) = sStringToAdd Exit Sub End If ' if adding at the end If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then ReDim Preserve sArray(iUBound + 1) sArray(iUBound + 1) = sStringToAdd Exit Sub End If If iPos < 0 Then iPos = 0 iUBound = iUBound + 1 ReDim Preserve sArray(iUBound) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iPos + 1)), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iPos)), (iUBound - iPos) * 4 iTemp = 0 ' view this as String(4, Chr(0)) or a NULL value CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iPos)), iTemp, 4 sArray(iPos) = sStringToAdd End Sub Public Sub AddToSortedAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal vToAdd As Variant) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim i As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' first, we check the bounds If vToAdd <= vArray(iLBound) Then AddToAnyArray vArray, vToAdd, iLBound: Exit Sub If vToAdd >= vArray(iUBound) Then AddToAnyArray vArray, vToAdd, iUBound + 1: Exit Sub Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If vArray(iMiddle) = vToAdd Then Exit Do ElseIf vArray(iMiddle) < vToAdd Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) For i = iMiddle To iLBound Step -1 If vArray(i) <= vToAdd Then Exit For Next i If vArray(i) = vToAdd Then AddToAnyArray vArray, vToAdd, i: Exit Sub For i = i + 1 To iUBound If vArray(i) >= vToAdd Then AddToAnyArray vArray, vToAdd, i: Exit Sub Next i End Sub Public Sub AddToSortedLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iToAdd As Long) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim i As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' first, we check the bounds If iToAdd <= iArray(iLBound) Then AddToLongArray iArray, iToAdd, iLBound: Exit Sub If iToAdd >= iArray(iUBound) Then AddToLongArray iArray, iToAdd, iUBound + 1: Exit Sub Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If iArray(iMiddle) = iToAdd Then Exit Do ElseIf iArray(iMiddle) < iToAdd Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) For i = iMiddle To iLBound Step -1 If iArray(i) <= iToAdd Then Exit For Next i If iArray(i) = iToAdd Then AddToLongArray iArray, iToAdd, i: Exit Sub For i = i + 1 To iUBound If iArray(i) >= iToAdd Then AddToLongArray iArray, iToAdd, i: Exit Sub Next i End Sub Public Sub AddToSortedStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal sToAdd As String) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim i As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ' first, we check the bounds If sToAdd <= sArray(iLBound) Then AddToStringArray sArray, sToAdd, iLBound: Exit Sub If sToAdd >= sArray(iUBound) Then AddToStringArray sArray, sToAdd, iUBound + 1: Exit Sub Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If sArray(iMiddle) = sToAdd Then Exit Do ElseIf sArray(iMiddle) < sToAdd Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) For i = iMiddle To iLBound Step -1 If sArray(i) <= sToAdd Then Exit For Next i If sArray(i) = sToAdd Then AddToStringArray sArray, sToAdd, i: Exit Sub For i = i + 1 To iUBound If sArray(i) >= sToAdd Then AddToStringArray sArray, sToAdd, i: Exit Sub Next i End Sub Public Sub AddToIndexedAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal vToAdd As Variant) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim i As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub AddToAnyArray vArray, vToAdd ' this adds at the end iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' first, we check the bounds If vToAdd <= vArray(iIndexArray(iLBound)) Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound, iLBound: Exit Sub If vToAdd >= vArray(iIndexArray(iUBound - 1)) Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound: Exit Sub Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If vArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) = vToAdd Then Exit Do ElseIf vArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) < vToAdd Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) For i = iMiddle To iLBound Step -1 If vArray(iIndexArray(i)) <= vToAdd Then Exit For Next i For i = i To iUBound If vArray(iIndexArray(i)) >= vToAdd Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound, i: Exit Sub Next i End Sub Public Sub AddToIndexedLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iToAdd As Long) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim i As Long AddToLongArray iArray, iToAdd ' this adds at the end iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' first, we check the bounds If iToAdd <= iArray(iIndexArray(iLBound)) Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound, iLBound: Exit Sub If iToAdd >= iArray(iIndexArray(iUBound - 1)) Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound: Exit Sub Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If iArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) = iToAdd Then Exit Do ElseIf iArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) < iToAdd Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) For i = iMiddle To iLBound Step -1 If iArray(iIndexArray(i)) <= iToAdd Then Exit For Next i For i = i To iUBound If iArray(iIndexArray(i)) >= iToAdd Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound, i: Exit Sub Next i End Sub Public Sub AddToIndexedStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal sToAdd As String) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim i As Long AddToStringArray sArray, sToAdd ' this adds at the end iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ' first, we check the bounds If sToAdd <= sArray(iIndexArray(iLBound)) Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound, iLBound: Exit Sub If sToAdd >= sArray(iIndexArray(iUBound - 1)) Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound: Exit Sub Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If sArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) = sToAdd Then Exit Do ElseIf sArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) < sToAdd Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) For i = iMiddle To iLBound Step -1 If sArray(iIndexArray(i)) <= sToAdd Then Exit For Next i For i = i To iUBound If sArray(iIndexArray(i)) >= sToAdd Then AddToLongArray iIndexArray, iUBound, i: Exit Sub Next i End Sub ' //////////// ' // Remove // ' //////////// Public Sub RemoveFromAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' if we only have one element in array If (iUBound = -1) Or (iUBound - iLBound = 0) Then Erase vArray: Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound If iPos < iLBound Then iPos = iLBound If iPos = iUBound Then ReDim Preserve vArray(iUBound - 1): Exit Sub For i = iPos + 1 To iUBound vArray(i - 1) = vArray(i) Next i ReDim Preserve vArray(iUBound - 1) End Sub Public Sub RemoveFromLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' if we only have one element in array If (iUBound = -1) Or (iUBound - iLBound = 0) Then Erase iArray: Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound If iPos < iLBound Then iPos = iLBound If iPos = iUBound Then ReDim Preserve iArray(iUBound - 1): Exit Sub CopyMemory iArray(iPos), iArray(iPos + 1), (iUBound - iLBound - iPos) * Len(iArray(iPos)) ReDim Preserve iArray(iUBound - 1) End Sub Public Sub RemoveFromStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iTemp As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ' if we only have one element in array If (iUBound = -1) Or (iUBound - iLBound = 0) Then Erase sArray: Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound If iPos < iLBound Then iPos = iLBound If iPos = iUBound Then ReDim Preserve sArray(iUBound - 1): Exit Sub iTemp = StrPtr(sArray(iPos)) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iPos)), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iPos + 1)), (iUBound - iPos) * 4 ' we do this to have VB unalloc the string to evade memory leaks CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iUBound)), iTemp, 4 ReDim Preserve sArray(iUBound - 1) End Sub Public Sub RemoveFromIndexedAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1, Optional ByVal RemoveFrom As RemoveFrom = RemoveIndex) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iTemp As Long Dim iPos2 As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' if we only have one element in array If (iUBound = -1) Or (iUBound - iLBound = 0) Then Erase vArray: Erase iIndexArray: Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound If iPos < iLBound Then iPos = iLBound iTemp = IIf(RemoveFrom = RemoveArray, iPos, iIndexArray(iPos)) iPos2 = 0 For i = iLBound To iUBound If iIndexArray(i) > iTemp Then iIndexArray(i) = iIndexArray(i) - 1 ElseIf iIndexArray(i) = iTemp Then iPos2 = i End If Next i RemoveFromAnyArray vArray, iTemp RemoveFromLongArray iIndexArray, IIf(RemoveFrom = RemoveArray, iPos2, iPos) End Sub Public Sub RemoveFromIndexedLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1, Optional ByVal RemoveFrom As RemoveFrom = RemoveIndex) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iTemp As Long Dim iPos2 As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' if we only have one element in array If (iUBound = -1) Or (iUBound - iLBound = 0) Then Erase iArray: Erase iIndexArray: Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound If iPos < iLBound Then iPos = iLBound iTemp = IIf(RemoveFrom = RemoveArray, iPos, iIndexArray(iPos)) iPos2 = 0 For i = iLBound To iUBound If iIndexArray(i) > iTemp Then iIndexArray(i) = iIndexArray(i) - 1 ElseIf iIndexArray(i) = iTemp Then iPos2 = i End If Next i RemoveFromLongArray iArray, iTemp RemoveFromLongArray iIndexArray, IIf(RemoveFrom = RemoveArray, iPos2, iPos) End Sub Public Sub RemoveFromIndexedStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1, Optional ByVal RemoveFrom As RemoveFrom = RemoveIndex) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iTemp As Long Dim iPos2 As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ' if we only have one element in array If (iUBound = -1) Or (iUBound - iLBound = 0) Then Erase sArray: Erase iIndexArray: Exit Sub ' if invalid iPos If (iPos > iUBound) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound If iPos < iLBound Then iPos = iLBound iTemp = IIf(RemoveFrom = RemoveArray, iPos, iIndexArray(iPos)) iPos2 = 0 For i = iLBound To iUBound If iIndexArray(i) > iTemp Then iIndexArray(i) = iIndexArray(i) - 1 ElseIf iIndexArray(i) = iTemp Then iPos2 = i End If Next i RemoveFromStringArray sArray, iTemp RemoveFromLongArray iIndexArray, IIf(RemoveFrom = RemoveArray, iPos2, iPos) End Sub ' ////////// ' // Hash // ' ////////// Public Sub BuildHashTable(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iHashArray() As Long) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iUBound2 As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim iIndex As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) iMax = (iUBound + 1) * 4 ReDim iHashArray(0 To iMax - 1) As Long iUBound2 = UBound(iHashArray) For i = LBound(iHashArray) To iUBound2 iHashArray(i) = ERROR_NOT_FOUND Next For i = iLBound To iUBound iIndex = GetFastXorHash(sArray(i)) Mod iMax Do Until iHashArray(iIndex) = ERROR_NOT_FOUND ' remember the hash array is 4 time bigger than the string array, thus this CANNOT be an infinite loop iIndex = (iIndex + 1) Mod iMax Loop iHashArray(iIndex) = i Next i End Sub Public Function HashSearch(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iHashArray() As Long, ByVal sFind As String) As Long Dim i As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean ' create the hash array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iHashArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iHashArray(LBound(iHashArray)) = iHashArray(UBound(iHashArray)) Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then BuildHashTable sArray, iHashArray iMax = UBound(iHashArray) + 1 i = GetFastXorHash(sFind) Mod iMax Do Until iHashArray(i) = ERROR_NOT_FOUND If sArray(iHashArray(i)) = sFind Then HashSearch = iHashArray(i): Exit Function i = (i + 1) Mod iMax Loop HashSearch = -1 End Function ' //////////// ' // Search // ' //////////// Public Function BinarySearchAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal vFind As Variant) As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Function iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If vArray(iMiddle) = vFind Then BinarySearchAny = iMiddle Exit Function ElseIf vArray(iMiddle) < vFind Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound BinarySearchAny = -1 End Function Public Function BinarySearchLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iFind As Long) As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If iArray(iMiddle) = iFind Then BinarySearchLong = iMiddle Exit Function ElseIf iArray(iMiddle) < iFind Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound BinarySearchLong = -1 End Function Public Function BinarySearchString(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal sFind As String) As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If sArray(iMiddle) = sFind Then BinarySearchString = iMiddle Exit Function ElseIf sArray(iMiddle) < sFind Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound BinarySearchString = -1 End Function Public Function IndexedBinarySearchAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal vFind As Variant) As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Function iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, vArray Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If vArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) = vFind Then IndexedBinarySearchAny = iIndexArray(iMiddle) Exit Function ElseIf vArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) < vFind Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound IndexedBinarySearchAny = -1 End Function Public Function IndexedBinarySearchLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iFind As Long) As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, iArray Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If iArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) = iFind Then IndexedBinarySearchLong = iIndexArray(iMiddle) Exit Function ElseIf iArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) < iFind Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound IndexedBinarySearchLong = -1 End Function Public Function IndexedBinarySearchString(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal sFind As String) As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMiddle As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, sArray Do iMiddle = (iLBound + iUBound) \ 2 If sArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) = sFind Then IndexedBinarySearchString = iIndexArray(iMiddle) Exit Function ElseIf sArray(iIndexArray(iMiddle)) < sFind Then iLBound = iMiddle + 1 Else iUBound = iMiddle - 1 End If Loop Until iLBound > iUBound IndexedBinarySearchString = -1 End Function Public Function SequentialSearchAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal vFind As Variant) As Long Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Function iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) For i = iLBound To iUBound If vArray(i) = vFind Then SequentialSearchAnyArray = i: Exit Function Next i SequentialSearchAnyArray = -1 End Function Public Function SequentialSearchLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iFind As Long) As Long Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) For i = iLBound To iUBound If iArray(i) = iFind Then SequentialSearchLongArray = i: Exit Function Next i SequentialSearchLongArray = -1 End Function Public Function SequentialSearchStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal sFind As String) As Long Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) For i = iLBound To iUBound If sArray(i) = sFind Then SequentialSearchStringArray = i: Exit Function Next i SequentialSearchStringArray = -1 End Function Public Function isInAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal vFind As Variant) As Boolean If Not IsArray(vArray) Then isInAnyArray = False: Exit Function isInAnyArray = IIf(SequentialSearchAnyArray(vArray, vFind) = -1, False, True) End Function Public Function isInLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iFind As Long) As Boolean isInLongArray = IIf(SequentialSearchLongArray(iArray, iFind) = -1, False, True) End Function Public Function isInStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal sFind As String) As Boolean isInStringArray = IIf(SequentialSearchStringArray(sArray, sFind) = -1, False, True) End Function ' ////////// ' // Sort // ' ////////// Public Sub ShellSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim j As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim vTemp As Variant Dim distance As Long Dim bSortOrder As Boolean If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) bSortOrder = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, False, True) iMax = iUBound - iLBound + 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > iMax Do distance = distance \ 3 For i = distance + iLBound To iUBound vTemp = vArray(i) j = i Do While (vArray(j - distance) > vTemp) Xor bSortOrder vArray(j) = vArray(j - distance) j = j - distance If j - distance < iLBound Then Exit Do Loop vArray(j) = vTemp Next i Loop Until distance = 1 End Sub Public Sub ShellSortLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim j As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim iTemp As Long Dim distance As Long Dim bSortOrder As Boolean iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) bSortOrder = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, False, True) iMax = iUBound - iLBound + 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > iMax Do distance = distance \ 3 For i = distance + iLBound To iUBound iTemp = iArray(i) j = i Do While (iArray(j - distance) > iTemp) Xor bSortOrder iArray(j) = iArray(j - distance) j = j - distance If j - distance < iLBound Then Exit Do Loop iArray(j) = iTemp Next i Loop Until distance = 1 End Sub Public Sub ShellSortString(ByRef sArray() As String, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim j As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim sTemp As String Dim distance As Long Dim bSortOrder As Boolean iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) bSortOrder = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, False, True) iMax = iUBound - iLBound + 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > iMax Do distance = distance \ 3 For i = distance + iLBound To iUBound CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(i)), 4 'sTemp = sArray(i) j = i Do While (sArray(j - distance) > sTemp) Xor bSortOrder CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j)), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j - distance)), 4 'sArray(j) = sArray(j - distance) j = j - distance If j - distance < iLBound Then Exit Do Loop CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j)), ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), 4 'sArray(j) = sTemp Next i Loop Until distance = 1 ' delete temp var (sTemp) i = 0 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(i), 4 End Sub Public Sub TriQuickSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim vTemp As Variant If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' *NOTE* the value 4 is VERY important here !!! ' DO NOT CHANGE 4 FOR A LOWER VALUE !!! TriQuickSortAny2 vArray, 4, iLBound, iUBound InsertionSortAny vArray, iLBound, iUBound If SortOrder = SortDescending Then ReverseAnyArray vArray End Sub Public Sub TriQuickSortLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iTemp As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' *NOTE* the value 4 is VERY important here !!! ' DO NOT CHANGE 4 FOR A LOWER VALUE !!! TriQuickSortLong2 iArray, 4, iLBound, iUBound InsertionSortLong iArray, iLBound, iUBound If SortOrder = SortDescending Then ReverseLongArray iArray End Sub Public Sub TriQuickSortString(ByRef sArray() As String, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim sTemp As String iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ' *NOTE* the value 4 is VERY important here !!! ' DO NOT CHANGE 4 FOR A LOWER VALUE !!! TriQuickSortString2 sArray, 4, iLBound, iUBound InsertionSortString sArray, iLBound, iUBound If SortOrder = SortDescending Then ReverseStringArray sArray End Sub Public Sub IndexedShellSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim j As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim vTemp As Variant Dim iIndexTemp As Long Dim distance As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean Dim bSortOrder As Boolean If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, vArray bSortOrder = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, False, True) iMax = iUBound - iLBound + 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > iMax Do distance = distance \ 3 For i = distance + iLBound To iUBound iIndexTemp = iIndexArray(i) vTemp = vArray(iIndexTemp) j = i Do While (vArray(iIndexArray(j - distance)) > vTemp) Xor bSortOrder iIndexArray(j) = iIndexArray(j - distance) j = j - distance If j - distance < iLBound Then Exit Do Loop iIndexArray(j) = iIndexTemp Next i Loop Until distance = 1 End Sub Public Sub IndexedShellSortLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim j As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim iTemp As Long Dim iIndexTemp As Long Dim distance As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean Dim bSortOrder As Boolean iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, iArray bSortOrder = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, False, True) iMax = iUBound - iLBound + 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > iMax Do distance = distance \ 3 For i = distance + iLBound To iUBound iIndexTemp = iIndexArray(i) iTemp = iArray(iIndexTemp) j = i Do While (iArray(iIndexArray(j - distance)) > iTemp) Xor bSortOrder iIndexArray(j) = iIndexArray(j - distance) j = j - distance If j - distance < iLBound Then Exit Do Loop iIndexArray(j) = iIndexTemp Next i Loop Until distance = 1 End Sub Public Sub IndexedShellSortString(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim i As Long ' Loop Counter Dim j As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iMax As Long Dim sTemp As String Dim iIndexTemp As Long Dim distance As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean Dim bSortOrder As Boolean iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, sArray bSortOrder = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, False, True) iMax = iUBound - iLBound + 1 Do distance = distance * 3 + 1 Loop Until distance > iMax Do distance = distance \ 3 For i = distance + iLBound To iUBound iIndexTemp = iIndexArray(i) sTemp = sArray(iIndexTemp) j = i Do While (sArray(iIndexArray(j - distance)) > sTemp) Xor bSortOrder iIndexArray(j) = iIndexArray(j - distance) j = j - distance If j - distance < iLBound Then Exit Do Loop iIndexArray(j) = iIndexTemp Next i Loop Until distance = 1 End Sub Public Sub IndexedTriQuickSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, vArray iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' *NOTE* the value 4 is VERY important here !!! ' DO NOT CHANGE 4 FOR A LOWER VALUE !!! IndexedTriQuickSortAny2 vArray, iIndexArray, 4, iLBound, iUBound IndexedInsertionSortAny vArray, iIndexArray, iLBound, iUBound If SortOrder = SortDescending Then ReverseLongArray iIndexArray End Sub Public Sub IndexedTriQuickSortLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean If Not IsArray(iArray) Then Exit Sub 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, iArray iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' *NOTE* the value 4 is VERY important here !!! ' DO NOT CHANGE 4 FOR A LOWER VALUE !!! IndexedTriQuickSortLong2 iArray, iIndexArray, 4, iLBound, iUBound IndexedInsertionSortLong iArray, iIndexArray, iLBound, iUBound If SortOrder = SortDescending Then ReverseLongArray iIndexArray End Sub Public Sub IndexedTriQuickSortString(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long Dim bInitialize As Boolean If Not IsArray(sArray) Then Exit Sub 'initialize the index array if necessary bInitialize = False If UBound(iIndexArray) = -1 Then bInitialize = True Else If iIndexArray(LBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 And iIndexArray(UBound(iIndexArray)) = 0 Then bInitialize = True If bInitialize = True Then CreateIndex iIndexArray, sArray iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ' *NOTE* the value 4 is VERY important here !!! ' DO NOT CHANGE 4 FOR A LOWER VALUE !!! IndexedTriQuickSortString2 sArray, iIndexArray, 4, iLBound, iUBound IndexedInsertionSortString sArray, iIndexArray, iLBound, iUBound If SortOrder = SortDescending Then ReverseLongArray iIndexArray End Sub Public Function isSortedAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iStep As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then isSortedAnyArray = False: Exit Function iStep = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, 1, -1) iLBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, LBound(vArray), UBound(vArray)) iUBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, UBound(vArray), LBound(vArray)) - iStep For i = iLBound To iUBound Step iStep If vArray(i) > vArray(i + iStep) Then isSortedAnyArray = False: Exit Function Next i isSortedAnyArray = True End Function Public Function isSortedLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iStep As Long iStep = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, 1, -1) iLBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, LBound(iArray), UBound(iArray)) iUBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, UBound(iArray), LBound(iArray)) - iStep For i = iLBound To iUBound Step iStep If iArray(i) > iArray(i + iStep) Then isSortedLongArray = False: Exit Function Next i isSortedLongArray = True End Function Public Function isSortedStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iStep As Long iStep = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, 1, -1) iLBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, LBound(sArray), UBound(sArray)) iUBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, UBound(sArray), LBound(sArray)) - iStep For i = iLBound To iUBound Step iStep If sArray(i) > sArray(i + iStep) Then isSortedStringArray = False: Exit Function Next i isSortedStringArray = True End Function Public Function isSortedIndexedAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iStep As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then isSortedIndexedAnyArray = False: Exit Function iStep = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, 1, -1) iLBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, LBound(vArray), UBound(vArray)) iUBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, UBound(vArray), LBound(vArray)) - iStep For i = iLBound To iUBound Step iStep If vArray(iIndexArray(i)) > vArray(iIndexArray(i + iStep)) Then isSortedIndexedAnyArray = False: Exit Function Next i isSortedIndexedAnyArray = True End Function Public Function isSortedIndexedLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iStep As Long iStep = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, 1, -1) iLBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, LBound(iArray), UBound(iArray)) iUBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, UBound(iArray), LBound(iArray)) - iStep For i = iLBound To iUBound Step iStep If iArray(iIndexArray(i)) > iArray(iIndexArray(i + iStep)) Then isSortedIndexedLongArray = False: Exit Function Next i isSortedIndexedLongArray = True End Function Public Function isSortedIndexedStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, Optional ByVal SortOrder As SortOrder = SortAscending) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iStep As Long iStep = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, 1, -1) iLBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, LBound(sArray), UBound(sArray)) iUBound = IIf(SortOrder = SortAscending, UBound(sArray), LBound(sArray)) - iStep For i = iLBound To iUBound Step iStep If sArray(iIndexArray(i)) > sArray(iIndexArray(i + iStep)) Then isSortedIndexedStringArray = False: Exit Function Next i isSortedIndexedStringArray = True End Function ' ///////////////////// ' // Synchronisation // ' ///////////////////// Public Sub SynchroniseIndexedAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim vArrayTemp() As Variant If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) ' vArrayTemp serves as a copy of vArray so that the synchronise effect is saved directly on vArray. CopyAnyArray vArray, vArrayTemp For i = iLBound To iUBound vArray(i) = vArrayTemp(iIndexArray(i)) Next i ' recreate the index CreateIndex iIndexArray, vArray Erase vArrayTemp End Sub Public Sub SynchroniseIndexedLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iArrayTemp() As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) ' because we want our synchronise effect to be saved directly on iArray. MoveLongArray iArray, iArrayTemp ReDim iArray(iLBound To iUBound) For i = iLBound To iUBound iArray(i) = iArrayTemp(iIndexArray(i)) Next i ' recreate the index CreateIndex iIndexArray, iArray Erase iArrayTemp End Sub Public Sub SynchroniseIndexedStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim sArrayTemp() As String Dim iNullArray() As Long ' we use this array to imitate ZeroMemory behavior using CopyMemory with 0's Dim nBytes As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) ReDim iNullArray(iUBound - iLBound + 1) nBytes = (iUBound - iLBound + 1) * 4 ' because we want our synchronise effect to be saved directly on sArray. MoveStringArray sArray, sArrayTemp ReDim sArray(iLBound To iUBound) For i = iLBound To iUBound CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(i)), ByVal VarPtr(sArrayTemp(iIndexArray(i))), 4 'sArray(i) = sArrayTemp(iIndexArray(i)) Next i ' *NOTE* for an unexplicable reason, ZeroMemory is far less stable to use than CopyMemory. (incompatible with WinXP) 'ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), nBytes CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArrayTemp(iLBound)), ByVal VarPtr(iNullArray(0)), nBytes ' recreate the index CreateIndex iIndexArray, sArray Erase sArrayTemp End Sub ' /////////////// ' // Copy/Move // ' /////////////// Public Sub CopyAnyArray(ByRef vArraySource As Variant, ByRef vArrayDest As Variant) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long If (Not IsArray(vArraySource)) Or (Not IsArray(vArrayDest)) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArraySource) iUBound = UBound(vArraySource) ReDim vArrayDest(iLBound To iUBound) For i = iLBound To iUBound vArrayDest(i) = vArraySource(i) Next i End Sub Public Sub CopyLongArray(ByRef iArraySource() As Long, ByRef iArrayDest() As Long) ReDim iArrayDest(LBound(iArraySource) To UBound(iArraySource)) CopyMemory iArrayDest(0), iArraySource(0), (UBound(iArraySource) - LBound(iArraySource) + 1) * Len(iArraySource(0)) End Sub Public Sub CopyStringArray(ByRef sArraySource() As String, ByRef sArrayDest() As String) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(sArraySource) iUBound = UBound(sArraySource) ReDim sArrayDest(iLBound To iUBound) For i = iLBound To iUBound sArrayDest(i) = sArraySource(i) ' cannot CopyMemory ! Next i End Sub Public Sub MoveAnyArray(ByRef vArraySource As Variant, ByRef vArrayDest As Variant) If (Not IsArray(vArraySource)) Or (Not IsArray(vArrayDest)) Then Exit Sub CopyAnyArray vArraySource, vArrayDest Erase vArraySource End Sub Public Sub MoveLongArray(ByRef iArraySource() As Long, ByRef iArrayDest() As Long) CopyLongArray iArraySource, iArrayDest Erase iArraySource End Sub Public Sub MoveStringArray(ByRef sArraySource() As String, ByRef sArrayDest() As String) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim nBytes As Long Dim iNullArray() As Long ' we use this array to imitate ZeroMemory behavior using CopyMemory with 0's iLBound = LBound(sArraySource) iUBound = UBound(sArraySource) ReDim iNullArray(iUBound - iLBound + 1) nBytes = (iUBound - iLBound + 1) * 4 ReDim sArrayDest(iLBound To iUBound) As String CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArrayDest(iLBound)), ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), nBytes ' *NOTE* for an unexplicable reason, ZeroMemory is far less stable to use than CopyMemory. (incompatible with WinXP) 'ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), nBytes CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), ByVal VarPtr(iNullArray(0)), nBytes Erase sArraySource End Sub Public Sub MergeAnyArray(ByRef vArraySource As Variant, ByRef vArrayDest As Variant, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iUBound2 As Long Dim iTemp As Long If (Not IsArray(vArraySource)) Or (Not IsArray(vArrayDest)) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArraySource) iUBound = UBound(vArraySource) iUBound2 = UBound(vArrayDest) iTemp = iUBound - iLBound + 1 If (iPos > UBound(vArrayDest) + 1) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = UBound(vArrayDest) + 1 If iPos < 0 Then iPos = 0 ReDim Preserve vArrayDest(LBound(vArrayDest) To UBound(vArrayDest) + iTemp) For i = iUBound2 To iPos Step -1 vArrayDest(i + iTemp) = vArrayDest(i) Next i iUBound = iPos + iTemp - 1 For i = iPos To iUBound vArrayDest(i) = vArraySource(i - iPos) Next i Erase vArraySource End Sub Public Sub MergeLongArray(ByRef iArraySource() As Long, ByRef iArrayDest() As Long, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iUBound2 As Long Dim iTemp As Long iLBound = LBound(iArraySource) iUBound = UBound(iArraySource) iUBound2 = UBound(iArrayDest) iTemp = iUBound - iLBound + 1 ReDim Preserve iArrayDest(LBound(iArrayDest) To iUBound2 + iTemp) If (iPos > iUBound2 + 1) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound2 + 1 Else If iPos < 0 Then iPos = 0 CopyMemory iArrayDest(iPos + iTemp), iArrayDest(iPos), (iUBound2 - LBound(iArrayDest) - iPos + 1) * Len(iArrayDest(iPos)) End If CopyMemory iArrayDest(iPos), iArraySource(0), iTemp * Len(iArrayDest(iPos)) Erase iArraySource End Sub Public Sub MergeStringArray(ByRef sArraySource() As String, ByRef sArrayDest() As String, Optional ByVal iPos As Long = -1) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iUBound2 As Long Dim iTemp As Long Dim iNull As Long Dim iNullArray() As Long ' we use this array to imitate ZeroMemory behavior using CopyMemory with 0's iLBound = LBound(sArraySource) iUBound = UBound(sArraySource) iUBound2 = UBound(sArrayDest) iTemp = iUBound - iLBound + 1 ReDim iNullArray(iTemp) ReDim Preserve sArrayDest(LBound(sArrayDest) To iUBound2 + iTemp) If (iPos > iUBound2 + 1) Or (iPos = -1) Then iPos = iUBound2 + 1 Else If iPos < 0 Then iPos = 0 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArrayDest(iPos + iTemp)), ByVal VarPtr(sArrayDest(iPos)), (iUBound2 - LBound(sArrayDest) - iPos + 1) * 4 End If iTemp = iTemp * 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArrayDest(iPos)), ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), iTemp ' *NOTE* for an unexplicable reason, ZeroMemory is far less stable to use than CopyMemory. (incompatible with WinXP) 'ZeroMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), iTemp * 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArraySource(iLBound)), ByVal VarPtr(iNullArray(0)), iTemp Erase sArraySource End Sub ' /////////////// ' // Save/Load // ' /////////////// Public Function SaveLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long) As String Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iUBound2 As Long Dim i As Long Dim s() As Byte iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) iUBound2 = 3 ReDim s(iUBound2) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(0)), iUBound - iLBound + 1, 4 ' number of element For i = iLBound To iUBound iUBound2 = iUBound2 + 4 ReDim Preserve s(iUBound2) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(iUBound2 - 3)), iArray(i), 4 Next i ' SaveLongArray = s ' this does not works (!?!) SaveLongArray = Space(iUBound2 + 1) For i = 0 To iUBound2 Mid(SaveLongArray, i + 1, 1) = Chr(s(i)) Next i End Function Public Function SaveStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String) As String Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iUBound2 As Long Dim i As Long Dim iLen As Long Dim s() As Byte iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) iUBound2 = 3 iLen = iUBound - iLBound + 1 ReDim s(iUBound2) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(0)), iLen, 4 ' number of element For i = iLBound To iUBound iLen = Len(sArray(i)) iUBound2 = iUBound2 + iLen + 4 ReDim Preserve s(iUBound2) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(iUBound2 - iLen - 3)), iLen, 4 ' length of nth element CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(iUBound2 - iLen + 1)), ByVal sArray(i), iLen ' data Next i ' SaveStringArray = s ' this does not works (!?!) SaveStringArray = Space(iUBound2 + 1) For i = 0 To iUBound2 Mid(SaveStringArray, i + 1, 1) = Chr(s(i)) Next i End Function Public Sub LoadLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef sString As String) Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim iPos As Long Dim s() As Byte If Len(sString) = 0 Then Exit Sub ' we copy the string to a byte array to avoid unicode bugs (strings CAN be saved in unicode in memory) ReDim s(Len(sString) - 1) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(0)), ByVal sString, Len(sString) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(iUBound), ByVal VarPtr(s(0)), 4 ' number of elements iUBound = iUBound - 1 ReDim iArray(iUBound) iPos = 0 For i = 0 To iUBound iPos = iPos + 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(iArray(i)), ByVal VarPtr(s(iPos)), 4 Next i End Sub Public Sub LoadStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef sString As String) Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim iPos As Long Dim iLen As Long Dim s() As Byte If Len(sString) = 0 Then Exit Sub ' we copy the string to a byte array to avoid unicode bugs (strings CAN be saved in unicode in memory) ReDim s(Len(sString) - 1) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s(0)), ByVal sString, Len(sString) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(iUBound), ByVal VarPtr(s(0)), 4 ' number of elements iUBound = iUBound - 1 ReDim sArray(iUBound) iPos = 0 For i = 0 To iUBound iPos = iPos + 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(iLen), ByVal VarPtr(s(iPos)), 4 ' length of string If iLen > 0 Then sArray(i) = Mid(sString, iPos + 5, iLen) iPos = iPos + iLen Else sArray(i) = vbNullString End If Next i End Sub ' //////////// ' // Others // ' //////////// ' Returns an array of the type of the first sent argument. Public Function CreateArray(ParamArray values() As Variant) As Variant Dim i As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim vTemp As Variant iUBound = UBound(values) ' we can't use the vbObject constant for objects because the VarType() function might return the type of the object's default property If IsObject(values(0)) Then ReDim oObjectArray(0 To iUBound) As Object For i = 0 To iUBound Set oObjectArray(i) = values(i) Next i CreateArray = oObjectArray() Exit Function End If Select Case VarType(values(0)) Case vbLong ReDim lArray(0 To iUBound) As Long vTemp = lArray() Case vbString ReDim sArray(0 To iUBound) As String vTemp = sArray() Case vbInteger ReDim iArray(0 To iUBound) As Integer vTemp = iArray() Case vbSingle ReDim sngArray(0 To iUBound) As Single vTemp = sngArray() Case vbDouble ReDim dArray(0 To iUBound) As Double vTemp = dArray() Case vbCurrency ReDim cArray(0 To iUBound) As Currency vTemp = cArray() Case vbDate ReDim datArray(0 To iUBound) As Date vTemp = datArray() Case vbBoolean ReDim bArray(0 To iUBound) As Boolean vTemp = bArray() Case Else ' unsupported data type (UDT or array) End Select For i = 0 To iUBound vTemp(i) = values(i) Next i CreateArray = vTemp End Function ' MsgBox an array. Use for debugging. Public Sub DebugDumpArray(ByRef vArray As Variant, Optional ByVal iColumnWidth As Long = 4) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long Dim sString As String If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub If iColumnWidth < 1 Then iColumnWidth = 1 iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) iPos = iLBound - 1 sString = "Dumping array:" & vbTab & "Type -> " & TypeName(vArray) & " <" & iLBound & " To " & iUBound & ">" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf If iUBound > 100 Then iUBound = 100 ' MsgBox can't show over 100 anyway. For i = iLBound To iUBound If iPos + iColumnWidth > iUBound Then iColumnWidth = iUBound - iPos For j = 1 To iColumnWidth iPos = iPos + 1 sString = sString & iPos & ": " & vArray(iPos) & vbTab Next j sString = sString & vbCrLf Next i MsgBox sString End Sub Public Sub ReverseAnyArray(ByRef vArray As Variant) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long If Not IsArray(vArray) Then Exit Sub iLBound = LBound(vArray) iUBound = UBound(vArray) While iLBound < iUBound SwapAny vArray(iLBound), vArray(iUBound) iLBound = iLBound + 1 iUBound = iUBound - 1 Wend End Sub Public Sub ReverseLongArray(ByRef iArray() As Long) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(iArray) iUBound = UBound(iArray) While iLBound < iUBound SwapLongs iArray(iLBound), iArray(iUBound) iLBound = iLBound + 1 iUBound = iUBound - 1 Wend End Sub Public Sub ReverseStringArray(ByRef sArray() As String) Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(sArray) iUBound = UBound(sArray) While iLBound < iUBound SwapStrings sArray(iLBound), sArray(iUBound) iLBound = iLBound + 1 iUBound = iUBound - 1 Wend End Sub ' ////////////////// ' // Private Subs // ' ////////////////// ' this sub is intended for internal usage. It only fills iIndexArray(). Private Sub CreateIndex(ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByRef vSizeArray As Variant) Dim i As Long Dim iLBound As Long Dim iUBound As Long iLBound = LBound(vSizeArray) iUBound = UBound(vSizeArray) ReDim iIndexArray(iLBound To iUBound) For i = iLBound To iUBound iIndexArray(i) = i Next End Sub Private Sub TriQuickSortAny2(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal iSplit As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim vTemp As Variant ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. If (iMax - iMin) > iSplit Then i = (iMax + iMin) / 2 If vArray(iMin) > vArray(i) Then SwapAny vArray(iMin), vArray(i) If vArray(iMin) > vArray(iMax) Then SwapAny vArray(iMin), vArray(iMax) If vArray(i) > vArray(iMax) Then SwapAny vArray(i), vArray(iMax) j = iMax - 1 SwapAny vArray(i), vArray(j) i = iMin vTemp = vArray(j) Do Do i = i + 1 Loop While vArray(i) < vTemp Do j = j - 1 Loop While vArray(j) > vTemp If j < i Then Exit Do SwapAny vArray(i), vArray(j) Loop SwapAny vArray(i), vArray(iMax - 1) TriQuickSortAny2 vArray, iSplit, iMin, j TriQuickSortAny2 vArray, iSplit, i + 1, iMax End If End Sub Private Sub TriQuickSortLong2(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iSplit As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iTemp As Long ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. If (iMax - iMin) > iSplit Then i = (iMax + iMin) / 2 If iArray(iMin) > iArray(i) Then SwapLongs iArray(iMin), iArray(i) If iArray(iMin) > iArray(iMax) Then SwapLongs iArray(iMin), iArray(iMax) If iArray(i) > iArray(iMax) Then SwapLongs iArray(i), iArray(iMax) j = iMax - 1 SwapLongs iArray(i), iArray(j) i = iMin iTemp = iArray(j) Do Do i = i + 1 Loop While iArray(i) < iTemp Do j = j - 1 Loop While iArray(j) > iTemp If j < i Then Exit Do SwapLongs iArray(i), iArray(j) Loop SwapLongs iArray(i), iArray(iMax - 1) TriQuickSortLong2 iArray, iSplit, iMin, j TriQuickSortLong2 iArray, iSplit, i + 1, iMax End If End Sub Private Sub TriQuickSortString2(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal iSplit As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim sTemp As String ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. If (iMax - iMin) > iSplit Then i = (iMax + iMin) / 2 If sArray(iMin) > sArray(i) Then SwapStrings sArray(iMin), sArray(i) If sArray(iMin) > sArray(iMax) Then SwapStrings sArray(iMin), sArray(iMax) If sArray(i) > sArray(iMax) Then SwapStrings sArray(i), sArray(iMax) j = iMax - 1 SwapStrings sArray(i), sArray(j) i = iMin CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j)), 4 ' sTemp = sArray(j) Do Do i = i + 1 Loop While sArray(i) < sTemp Do j = j - 1 Loop While sArray(j) > sTemp If j < i Then Exit Do SwapStrings sArray(i), sArray(j) Loop SwapStrings sArray(i), sArray(iMax - 1) TriQuickSortString2 sArray, iSplit, iMin, j TriQuickSortString2 sArray, iSplit, i + 1, iMax End If ' clear temp var (sTemp) i = 0 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(i), 4 End Sub Private Sub IndexedTriQuickSortAny2(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iSplit As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim vTemp As Variant ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. If (iMax - iMin) > iSplit Then i = (iMax + iMin) / 2 If vArray(iIndexArray(iMin)) > vArray(iIndexArray(i)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(iMin), iIndexArray(i) If vArray(iIndexArray(iMin)) > vArray(iIndexArray(iMax)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(iMin), iIndexArray(iMax) If vArray(iIndexArray(i)) > vArray(iIndexArray(iMax)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(iMax) j = iMax - 1 SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(j) i = iMin vTemp = vArray(iIndexArray(j)) Do Do i = i + 1 Loop While vArray(iIndexArray(i)) < vTemp Do j = j - 1 Loop While vArray(iIndexArray(j)) > vTemp If j < i Then Exit Do SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(j) Loop SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(iMax - 1) IndexedTriQuickSortAny2 vArray, iIndexArray, iSplit, iMin, j IndexedTriQuickSortAny2 vArray, iIndexArray, iSplit, i + 1, iMax End If End Sub Private Sub IndexedTriQuickSortLong2(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iSplit As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iTemp As Long ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. If (iMax - iMin) > iSplit Then i = (iMax + iMin) / 2 If iArray(iIndexArray(iMin)) > iArray(iIndexArray(i)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(iMin), iIndexArray(i) If iArray(iIndexArray(iMin)) > iArray(iIndexArray(iMax)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(iMin), iIndexArray(iMax) If iArray(iIndexArray(i)) > iArray(iIndexArray(iMax)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(iMax) j = iMax - 1 SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(j) i = iMin iTemp = iArray(iIndexArray(j)) Do Do i = i + 1 Loop While iArray(iIndexArray(i)) < iTemp Do j = j - 1 Loop While iArray(iIndexArray(j)) > iTemp If j < i Then Exit Do SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(j) Loop SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(iMax - 1) IndexedTriQuickSortLong2 iArray, iIndexArray, iSplit, iMin, j IndexedTriQuickSortLong2 iArray, iIndexArray, iSplit, i + 1, iMax End If End Sub Private Sub IndexedTriQuickSortString2(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iSplit As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim sTemp As String ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. If (iMax - iMin) > iSplit Then i = (iMax + iMin) / 2 If sArray(iIndexArray(iMin)) > sArray(iIndexArray(i)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(iMin), iIndexArray(i) If sArray(iIndexArray(iMin)) > sArray(iIndexArray(iMax)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(iMin), iIndexArray(iMax) If sArray(iIndexArray(i)) > sArray(iIndexArray(iMax)) Then SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(iMax) j = iMax - 1 SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(j) i = iMin CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(iIndexArray(j))), 4 ' sTemp = sArray(iIndexArray(j)) Do Do i = i + 1 Loop While sArray(iIndexArray(i)) < sTemp Do j = j - 1 Loop While sArray(iIndexArray(j)) > sTemp If j < i Then Exit Do SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(j) Loop SwapLongs iIndexArray(i), iIndexArray(iMax - 1) IndexedTriQuickSortString2 sArray, iIndexArray, iSplit, iMin, j IndexedTriQuickSortString2 sArray, iIndexArray, iSplit, i + 1, iMax End If ' clear temp var (sTemp) i = 0 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(i), 4 End Sub Private Sub InsertionSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim vTemp As Variant ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. For i = iMin + 1 To iMax vTemp = vArray(i) j = i Do While j > iMin If vArray(j - 1) <= vTemp Then Exit Do vArray(j) = vArray(j - 1) j = j - 1 Loop vArray(j) = vTemp Next i End Sub Private Sub InsertionSortLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iTemp As Long ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. For i = iMin + 1 To iMax iTemp = iArray(i) j = i Do While j > iMin If iArray(j - 1) <= iTemp Then Exit Do iArray(j) = iArray(j - 1) j = j - 1 Loop iArray(j) = iTemp Next i End Sub Private Sub InsertionSortString(ByRef sArray() As String, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim sTemp As String ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. For i = iMin + 1 To iMax CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(i)), 4 ' sTemp = sArray(i) j = i Do While j > iMin If sArray(j - 1) <= sTemp Then Exit Do CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j)), ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j - 1)), 4 ' sArray(j) = sArray(j - 1) j = j - 1 Loop CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sArray(j)), ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), 4 ' sArray(j) = sTemp Next i ' clear temp var (sTemp) i = 0 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sTemp), ByVal VarPtr(i), 4 End Sub Private Sub IndexedInsertionSortAny(ByRef vArray As Variant, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. For i = iMin + 1 To iMax iPos = iIndexArray(i) j = i Do While j > iMin If vArray(iIndexArray(j - 1)) <= vArray(iPos) Then Exit Do iIndexArray(j) = iIndexArray(j - 1) j = j - 1 Loop iIndexArray(j) = iPos Next i End Sub Private Sub IndexedInsertionSortLong(ByRef iArray() As Long, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. For i = iMin + 1 To iMax iPos = iIndexArray(i) j = i Do While j > iMin If iArray(iIndexArray(j - 1)) <= iArray(iPos) Then Exit Do iIndexArray(j) = iIndexArray(j - 1) j = j - 1 Loop iIndexArray(j) = iPos Next i End Sub Private Sub IndexedInsertionSortString(ByRef sArray() As String, ByRef iIndexArray() As Long, ByVal iMin As Long, ByVal iMax As Long) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim iPos As Long ' *NOTE* no checks are made in this function because it is used internally. ' Validity checks are made in the public function that calls this one. For i = iMin + 1 To iMax iPos = iIndexArray(i) j = i Do While j > iMin If sArray(iIndexArray(j - 1)) <= sArray(iPos) Then Exit Do iIndexArray(j) = iIndexArray(j - 1) j = j - 1 Loop iIndexArray(j) = iPos Next i End Sub ' Do not redefine if mdlMarton is already loaded ' Ok, I know theses are Private, but I still prefer to do it this way. #If mdlMarton_Loadedable = False Then ' Swaps 2 variants. Private Sub SwapAny(ByRef v1 As Variant, ByRef v2 As Variant) Dim V As Variant V = v1 v1 = v2 v2 = V End Sub ' Swaps 2 longs. Private Sub SwapLongs(ByRef i1 As Long, ByRef i2 As Long) Dim i As Long i = i1 i1 = i2 i2 = i End Sub ' Swaps 2 strings. Private Sub SwapStrings(ByRef s1 As String, ByRef s2 As String) Dim i As Long ' StrPtr() returns 0 (NULL) if string is not initialized ' But StrPtr() is 5% faster than using CopyMemory, so I used that workaround, which is safe and fast. i = StrPtr(s1) If i = 0 Then CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(i), ByVal VarPtr(s1), 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s1), ByVal VarPtr(s2), 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(s2), i, 4 End Sub ' Fast hash algorithm. Private Function GetFastXorHash(ByVal sString As String, Optional ByVal iLenToHash As Long = -1) As Long Dim i As Long Dim iUBound As Long Dim iBuffer() As Long If sString = vbNullString Then GetFastXorHash = -1: Exit Function If iLenToHash = -1 Then iLenToHash = Len(sString) If iLenToHash > Len(sString) Then iLenToHash = Len(sString) iUBound = iLenToHash \ 4 + 1 ' +1 to be sure ReDim iBuffer(iUBound) CopyMemory iBuffer(0), ByVal sString, iLenToHash For i = 0 To iUBound GetFastXorHash = GetFastXorHash Xor iBuffer(i) Xor i Next i GetFastXorHash = GetFastXorHash And &H7FFFFFFF End Function #End If '// mdlMarton_Loadable 'Public Sub Benchmark(Optional ByVal n As Long = 10000, Optional ByVal iLenString As Long = 100) ' Dim iArray() As Long ' Dim sArray() As String ' Dim iIndex() As Long ' Dim i As Long ' Dim j As Long ' Dim s As String ' Dim iTime As Single ' ' Randomize Timer ' ' ReDim iArray(n) ' ReDim sArray(n) ' ReDim iIndex(0) ' ' s = s & "Executing n(" & n & ") iterations. Len() String = " & iLenString & vbCrLf ' 's = s & "BEFORE:" & vbTab & "iArray()" & vbTab & "sArray()" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' For i = 0 To n ' iArray(i) = CLng(Rnd * n) ' ' For j = 1 To iLenString ' sArray(i) = sArray(i) & Chr(CLng(Rnd * 32 + 64)) ' Next j ' ' 's = s & vbTab & iArray(i) & vbTab & sArray(i) & vbCrLf ' Next i ' ' iTime = Timer ' ' ' PLACE FUNCTION BELOW ' ' //////////////////////// '' TriQuickSortLong iArray '' TriQuickSortString sArray '' ShellSortLong iArray '' ShellSortString sArray ' ' //////////////////////// ' ' iTime = Timer - iTime ' ' 's = s & vbCrLf & "AFTER:" & vbTab & "iArray()" & vbTab & "sArray()" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' 'For i = 0 To n ' ' s = s & vbTab & iArray(i) & vbTab & sArray(i) & vbCrLf ' 'Next i ' ' 's = s & vbCrLf & "SORT CHECK: iArray() -> " & isSortedLongArray(iArray) & " // sArray() -> " & isSortedStringArray(sArray) & vbCrLf ' s = s & "Execution time: " & Format(iTime, "#0.0000") & " secs." ' ' MsgBox s 'End Sub