Domino Code Fragment

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Toggling view action buttons
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Ever have a situation where you have too many buttons in the view action bar? Using a toggling mechanism helps to "compartamentalize" view action buttons according to their functionality. For example, in a sales application, you may have buttons that would help display only profiles, such as company or contact. You also may have buttons to display actions, such as creating letters, or new contacts.
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To see this in action, refer to the SICAV Tracker database, view Company/ by firm. Also, as you may know, this type of environmental stuff will not work on the web. Javascript could be a solution, and I am researching that!
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Pressing the Show Profiles action button in Figure 1above will display the action bar below in Figure 2

1. In the Show Profiles button, add the following formula:

@Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ; "Actions");

This formula above, allows the user to toggle to the Show Actions view action bar (see figure 2)

2. Add the following formula to the Show Profiles button's Hide When tab and be sure to check the "Hide action if formula is true" checkbox:

 @Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ) != "Actions" &  
@Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ) != ""

3. Add the formula below to each button you want to show when you press the Show Profiles button. The formulas, in this example, have been added to each button in Figure 2, except for the Show Actions button. Add that formula to each button's Hide When tab, making sure you check the "Hide action if formula is true" checkbox:

@Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ) != "Profiles"


Pressing the Show Actions button above in Figure 2 will display the action bar in Figure 1

1. In the Show Actions button, add the following formula:

@Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ; "Profiles");

This formula above, allows the user to toggle to the Show Profiles view action bar (see figure 1)

2. Add the following formula to the Show Actions button's Hide When tab and be sure to check the "Hide action if formula is true" checkbox:

 @Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ) != "Profiles" &  
@Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ) != ""

3. Add the formula below to each button you want to show when you press the Show Actions button. The formulas, in this example, have been added to each button in Figure 1, except for the Show Profiles button. Add that formula to each button's Hide When tab, making sure you check the "Hide action if formula is true" checkbox:

@Environment("SicTrak_Main_ABar" ) != "Actions"