Domino Code Fragment

Code Name*
API to load Windows browser
Source (or email address if you prefer)*
IP address:.
Uses a call to a function in the NNOTESWS.DLL
Required Client:
Files/Graphics attachments (if applicable): Code:

Here's another awsome call to a dll, the same one that the lotuscript progress meters use.
This will prompt the user with the windows, file select prompt, and return whatever they
select. The great thing is that it's simple to customize the file types which will show
up in the drop down selection!

Also, there's REMed line which tells you what dll to call, depending on your platform. Try
it out and see what you think. I haven't seen this nugget anywhere.....

Make a button, in the declarations, put the following:

Declare Function NEMGetFile Lib "nnotesws" ( wUnk As Integer, Byval szFileName As String, Byval szFilter As String, Byval szTitle As String ) As Integer
'use nnotesws for Win95 and WinNT, inotesws for OS/2, and _nem for Win16

Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim szFileName As String*256
Dim szTitle As String
Dim szFilter As String
Dim session As New NotesSession
'Needs to be a NULL before calling the function
szFilename = Chr(0)
szTitle = session.Commonusername & ", select your database NOW"
szFilter = "MS Word Documents|*.doc|Notes Databases|*.NSF|Notes Templates|*.NTF|Programs|*.EXE|All Files|*.*|" 'Use this format for ANY file type
If NEMGetFile( 0, szFileName, szFilter, szTitle) <> 0 Then

' We need to do this because the return is a NULL terminated string.
szFileName = szFileName & |"|
Messagebox szFileName, 64, "File Selected"
End If
End Sub