Domino Code Fragment

Code Name*
Date Range Intersection detection
Source (or email address if you prefer)*
Jamie Magee
IP address:.
Given lists of StartTimes, EndTimes, Persons, and EventNames, determines which Persons/Events intersect a proposed event with StartTimeProposed, EndTimeProposed.
List Processing/Sorting, Numeric Processing
Modify code
Required Client:
at the end of the code, if TextSet is "", then there is no intersection between the existing event times and the proposed event time.
Files/Graphics attachments (if applicable): Code:
REM "======================================================";
REM "Date Range Intersection detection.";
REM "Jamie Magee 8/18/98";
REM "Martin Scott Consulting LLC, American Management Systems, Inc.";

REM "Given a list of StartTimes, list of EndTimes, Persons, and EventNames ";
REM "this formula determines which Persons/Events intersect a proposed event ";
REM "with StartTimeProposed, EndTimeProposed.";
REM "======================================================";

REM "any unlikely-to-occur string, used for internal data separation";
sep := "~!@";

REM "interface with field data values on form";
REM "...Who and When (day)";
t_ProposedPersons := Invitees+sep+@Text(@Date(MeetingDate));

REM "...When (time)";
t_StartTimeProposed := @TextToTime( @Left(@Text(MeetingTime); " -"));
t_EndTimeProposed := @TextToTime( @Right(@Text(MeetingTime); "- "));

@If(t_StartTimeProposed !="" & t_EndTimeProposed !="" & @Trim(Invitees) !=""; ""; @Return(@Success));

REM "...lookup location";
t_EventView := "MeetingsByPerson-ConflictChecking";
t_EventDataColumnNum := 2;

REM "formatting - keep in mind that only 256 characters show up in an @Prompt message";
EventNameMaxDisplayLength := 60;

REM "============== DO NOT CHANGE CODE BELOW =============";
t_EventData := @DbLookup("":"NoCache"; ""; t_EventView; t_ProposedPersons; t_EventDataColumnNum);
@If(@IsError(t_EventData); @Do(@Set("ConflictMessage"; ""); @Return(@Prompt([OK]; "Conflict checking"; "No conflicts found."))); "");
t_StartTimes := @TextToTime(@Word(t_EventData; sep; 1));
t_EndTimes := @TextToTime(@Word(t_EventData; sep; 2));
t_EventNames := @Word(t_EventData; sep; 3);

REM "used later to exclude the current doc from the list of conflicts...";
t_NoteIDs := @Word(t_EventData; sep; 4);

REM "lookup the list of persons again, so we can accurately pair them up with their respective meetings on that day.";
t_Persons := @Word(@DbLookup("":"NoCache"; ""; t_EventView; t_ProposedPersons; 1); sep; 1);

REM "used for text message at end of this routine.  Removing leading zeros saves output space.";
t_EventTimes := @Text(t_StartTimes; "T1" ) + " - " + @Text(t_EndTimes; "T1" );
@Set("t_EventTimes"; @ReplaceSubstring(t_EventTimes; "01:":"02:":"03:":"04:":"05:":"06:":"07:":"08:":"09:"; "1:":"2:":"3:":"4:":"5:":"6:":"7:":"8:":"9:"));

REM "calculate the differences between start and end times";
sas := t_StartTimes - t_StartTimeProposed ;
sbe := t_EndTimeProposed - t_StartTimes ;
eas := t_EndTimes - t_StartTimeProposed ;
ebe := t_EndTimeProposed - t_EndTimes ;
sbs := t_StartTimeProposed - t_StartTimes ;
eae := t_EndTimes - t_EndTimeProposed ;

sas_1 := (@Abs(sas)-sas)+1;

sbe2 := @TextToNumber(@Replace(@Text(sbe); "0"; "-1"));
sbe_1 := (@Abs(sbe2)-sbe2)+1;

eas2 := @TextToNumber(@Replace(@Text(eas); "0"; "-1"));
eas_1 := (@Abs(eas2)-eas2)+1;

ebe_1 := (@Abs(ebe)-ebe)+1;

sbs_1 := (@Abs(sbs)-sbs)+1;
eae_1 := (@Abs(eae)-eae)+1;

test1 := @Replace(@Text(SAS_1 * SBE_1); "1"; "<<<");
test2 := @Replace(@Text(EAS_1 * EBE_1); "1"; "<<<");
test3 := @Replace(@Text(SBS_1 * EAE_1); "1"; "<<<");

REM "match up known conflict row numbers with event info for an informative message detailing the conflicts.";
Set1 := @Trim(@Left(t_Persons + sep + t_EventTimes + sep + t_EventNames  + test1; "<<<"));
Set2 := @Trim(@Left(t_Persons + sep + t_EventTimes + sep + t_EventNames + test2; "<<<"));
Set3 := @Trim(@Left(t_Persons + sep + t_EventTimes + sep + t_EventNames  + test3; "<<<"));

TextSet := @Trim(@Unique(Set1 : Set2 : Set3) );

REM "if this doc is already saved, make sure to exclude it from the list of found conflicts, else it will conflict with itself.";
@If(@IsNewDoc; ""; @Set("TextSet"; @Trim(@Replace(TextSet ; @Right(t_NoteIDs + t_Persons + sep + t_EventTimes + sep + t_EventNames; @NoteID); ""))) );

message := @If(TextSet = ""; @Return(@Prompt([OK]; "Conflict checking"; "No conflicts found.")); @Implode("  " + @Left(@Word(TextSet; sep; 1); 1) + ". " + @Right(@Word(TextSet; sep; 1); " ") + " - " + @Word(TextSet; sep; 2) + ": " + @Left(@Left(@Word(TextSet; sep; 3); "|||"); EventNameMaxDisplayLength); @NewLine));
FIELD ConflictMessage := message;