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Subtracts one array from another!
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This script takes two arrays and subtracts the smaller array from the larger array.
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SubtractArray Function

Function SubtractArray(arrBigAs Variant, arrLittleAs Variant) As Variant

The SubtractArray function's return value is a variant array. This array will contain the elements of arrBig minus elements of arrLittle. You must assign the return to a variant variable.

Function Syntax

SubtractArray(arrBig, arrLittle )

Formal Parameters


The primary array containing elements to keep.


The array that contains the elements that will be removed from arrBig

Return value

The SubtractArray function's return value is a variant array. This array will contain the elements of arrBig minus elements of arrLittle. You must assign the return to a variant variable.


Function SubtractArray(arrBig As Variant, arrLittle As Variant) As Variant
Dim arrNew As Variant
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
Redim arrNew(x)
Dim nCount As Integer

Forall v In arrBig
nCount = 0 '-- Counter for arrBig elements
For i = Lbound(arrLittle) To Ubound(arrLittle) '-- Loop through array
If arrLittle(i) = v Then '-- Check current arrNew to ensure there are no duplicate values
nCount = nCount + 1 '-- bump counter if duplicate is found
End If
Next i '-- End Loop check for duplicate members
'-- If there are no duplicate values then assign element to arrNew
If nCount = 0 Then '-- Counter was never bumped then no duplicate exist so add new element to arrNew
Redim Preserve arrNew(x) '-- Redim arrNew to make room for new element
arrNew(x) = v '-- Assign new element to arrNew
x = x + 1 '-- Bump arrNew counter for future redim

End If
End Forall
SubtractArray = arrNew
End Function


The valid values for the arrBig elements are alphanumeric characters. This will remove all arrLittle elements from the array arrBig. Assign the return to a variant variable.


This example will take an array of elements containing duplicate names. This will remove all arrLittle elements from the array arrBig. Assign the return to a variant variable. The array will then be formated into a string variable for display in messagebox.

Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim BigArray(8) As String
BigArray(0) = "Tim"
BigArray(1) = "Gina"
BigArray(2) = "Paul"
BigArray(3) = "Tom"
BigArray(4) = "Gina"
BigArray(5) = "Ken"

Dim LittleArray(3) As String
LittleArray(0) = "Tim"
LittleArray(1) = "Gina"

Dim ViewArray As String
ViewArray = ""

Forall v In BigArray
'-- Concatenate each element in array to sViewCust for display to screen via messagebox
If ViewArray = "" Then
ViewArray = v
ViewArray = ViewArray & Chr$(13) & v
End If
End Forall
Messagebox "Array Elements: " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & ViewArray, , "Elements in Array before call to SubtractArray"

Dim sNewArray As Variant
sNewArray = SubtractArray(BigArray, LittleArray)

ViewArray = ""

Forall q In sNewArray
'-- Concatenate each element in array to sViewCust for display to screen via messagebox

If ViewArray = "" Then
ViewArray = q
ViewArray = ViewArray & Chr$(13) & q
End If
End Forall

Messagebox "Array Elements: " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & ViewArray, , "Elements in Array After call to SubtractArray"

End Sub